Sunday, May 31, 2009

eBook: “Roadmap for Teens – Based on Asian Values”

Front cover FRONT COVER
Back cover BACK COVER



i. On Affirmation 16

ii. On Attitude 17

iii. On Backups 18

iv. On Bathrooms 19

v. On Behavior 19

vi. On Changes 20

vii. On Choices 21

viii. On Compassion 22

ix. On Credit Cards 22

x. On Death 23

xi. On Dreams 24

xii. On Drinking 25

xiii. On Driving 25

xiv. On Eating 27

xv. On Education 28

xvi. On Environment 28

xvii. On Excuses 29

xviii. On Exercise 30

xix. On Failure 31

xx. On Faith 32

xxi. On Family 32

xxii. On Fears 33

xxiii. On Forgiveness 35

xxiv. On Friends 35

xxv. On Goals 36

xxvi. On Health 37

xxvii. On Holidays 38

xxviii. On Integrity 38

xxix. On Laughter 39

xxx. On Leadership 40

xxxi. On Life 41

xxxii. On Love 42

xxxiii. On Marriage 42

xxxiv. On Memory 44

xxxv. On Mistakes 45

xxxvi. On Money 46

xxxvii. On Morning 48

xxxviii. On Passion 49

xxxix. On People 50

xl. On Personal Management 51

xli. On Pornography 53

xlii. On Praying 53

xliii. On Pride 54

xliv. On Problems 55

xlv. On Reading 56

xlvi. On Reflection 58

xlvii. On Risks 58

xlviii. On Sex 59

xlix. On Sleep 60

l. On Smoking 61

li. On Suffering 61

lii. On Talking 62

liii. On Teaching 62

liv. On Thankfulness 63

lv. On Thinking 64

lvi. On Time 66

lvii. On Travel 66

lviii. On Words 67

lix. On Work 68

lx. On Worry 69

lxi. On Writing 70

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Thursday, May 21, 2009

New book: Roadmap for Teens (Based on Asian Values)

Hallelujah! After much deliberation and correction here and there, this book is at last on the bookstore shelves.

What a title! What an important cultural deliberation that must not be overlooked in the midst of the tsunami of Western influence. We Asians must learn how to stand up for what we believe and what we want our present and future generations to know what we stand for.

Our Teens today are lost in the midst of profanity, sexual innuendos, rudeness, foul language that are amidst the new Hollywood scenario. I want to bring back the family values, the moral correctness, the general hygiene of body language and pleasantries that are so often overlooked and buried by the mud thrown at us by the entertainment media.

May God save us from this corroding culture that pollute teens, destroys families, breakup marriages, and give us a victory of good-over-evil.

Monday, May 11, 2009

"Roadmap for Teens" Cover Designer - Phillip Khoo

I wish to express my sincere gratitude to brother Phillip Khoo from FGA Centre Penang, who was so gracious as to design my Book Cover free of charge. I had spoken at FGA Centre twice and had a cordial friendship with Phillip. I found out from Ps Heok Cheow that he was previously into advertising and publicity before going full-time in the church Media and Sound Department. His secular expertise was indeed a great benefit for the church and towards the input for the book cover.

That really solved my problems on the design and the burden of extra expenses.

Also, he was instrumental in assisting me to change the title of the book from "Advice for Kids before they get married" to "Roadmap for Teens". The new title is refreshing and exciting as well.

Keeping my fingers cross as the final copy goes through the press.