Thursday, October 15, 2009

Health Tips for Preventing Disease and Strengthening Your Immune System


The following article by Danny Vierra has blessed me a lot:

I hope you be blessed as well:


health tips


Friends, there are a number of healthful principles you can follow to build your immune system and prevent disease. I have found when these principles are put into practice, many of the modern-day diseases that plague people begin to even reverse. I have witnessed chronic diseases like hypertension, Type II diabetes, heart disease, and autoimmune disease start healing as the body turns more alkaline and balances. Through cleansing and detoxifying flushes, eating natural, organic foods that are in the form closest to the Creator's design, and drinking pure water free of chemical additives like fluorine and chlorine, the body can begin to heal itself!


Please read the following list carefully and enjoy the blessings that come when we become doers of the word. Remember, practice the health laws yourself, and then preach them to others.


  • Eat a whole plant-based diet with lots of organic fruits and vegetables.


  • Avoid dairy products. Dairy is liquid meat, and any disease in the animal is most likely also in its secretions. Milk is the number-one cause of childhood anemia and allergy. I remember the late Dr. Vigil Hulse once told me that as a Milk and Dairy inspector for 13 years in California, he found 80% of the herds had cows with leukemia and 50% of the herds had cows with Bovine AIDS. This was in the county in which I live. Milk Does A Body Good?


  • Avoid refined sugar, white flour, and ordinary salt or sea salt. Instead choose Celtic Salt since it contains 80 minerals, not just Sodium Chloride. Celtic Salt is grey because of the magnesium which can lower blood pressure. White table salt has the magnesium removed and it is sold for things like gunpowder. Real Salt is another choice.


  • Exercise at least five days a week. I enjoy racquetball and weightlifting. This gives me the combination of aerobic exercise like racquetball for my heart and circulation and anaerobic exercise like weightlifting for building bone density, strength, and toning the muscles. Both forms of exercise are good and necessary for eliminating toxins through the lymph system.


  • Increase your consumption of pure water and drink 6 to 8 glasses a day.


  • Start drinking some fresh organic juice everyday if possible. Carrot, apple, celery, chard and parsley is a great immune-building formula that is high in potassium and phytochemicals.


  • Cleanse your elimination organs on a seasonal basis. Cleanse the colon, liver, kidney, lung, blood, lymph and skin using organic herbal formulas, saunas, skin brushing, etc.


  • Have a positive attitude and get moving if you feel depressed. Doing something for someone else that has a need will help heal your own discouragement.


  • Breathe deeply several times a day of fresh air. Take a walk in the open air.


  • Get 30 minutes of sunshine every day if possible.


  • Trust in God, spend time in prayer, and study your Bible every day.


  • Love your enemies and forgive those that have wronged you. Forgiveness is the key to freedom. Don't delay since Christ is coming soon!  


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