Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I want to dedicate this video to my children: Jared, Janene and Joel. I love you.

Friday, June 26, 2009

List of Consequences of Immorality


man depress



Following the confession of South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford of committing adultery, I came across a list of consequences of adultery compiled by two men, Randy Alcorn (one of my daughter’s favorite writers) and Alan Hlavka, a pastor at Good Shepherd Community Church. These two men did not commit adultery, but they came up with a list of possible consequences that can happen if ever they think about committing adultery.


I thought that by looking at this list, it will bring home  the message much more than many, many sermons.


Have a look at this personalized list and put yourself in their shoes.

Personalized List of Anticipated Consequences of Immorality

  • Grieving my Lord; displeasing the One whose opinion most matters.
  • Dragging into the mud Christ's sacred reputation.
  • Loss of reward and commendation from God.
  • Having to one day look Jesus in the face at the judgment seat and give an account of why I did it.
  • Forcing God to discipline me in various ways.
  • Following in the footsteps of men I know of whose immorality forfeited their ministry and caused me to shudder. List of these names: ______
  • Suffering of innocent people around me who would get hit by my shrapnel (a la Achan).
  • Untold hurt to Nanci, my best friend and loyal wife.
  • Loss of Nanci's respect and trust.
  • Hurt to and loss of credibility with my beloved daughters, Karina and Angela. ("Why listen to a man who betrayed Mom and us?")
  • If my blindness should continue or my family be unable to forgive, I could lose my wife and my children forever.
  • Shame to my family. (The cruel comments of others who would invariably find out.)
  • Shame to my church family.
  • Shame and hurt to my fellow pastors and elders. List of names: ______
  • Shame and hurt to my friends, and especially those I've led to Christ and discipled. List of names: ______
  • Guilt awfully hard to shake—even though God would forgive me, would I forgive myself?
  • Plaguing memories and flashbacks that could taint future intimacy with my wife.
  • Disqualifying myself after having preached to others.
  • Surrender of the things I am called to and love to do—teach and preach and write and minister to others. Forfeiting forever certain opportunities to serve God. Years of training and experience in ministry wasted for a long period of time, maybe permanently.
  • Being haunted by my sin as I look in the eyes of others, and having it all dredged up again wherever I go and whatever I do.
  • Undermining the hard work and prayers of others by saying to our community "this is a hypocrite—who can take seriously anything he and his church have said and done?"
  • Laughter, rejoicing and blasphemous smugness by those who disrespect God and the church (2 Samuel 12:14).
  • Bringing great pleasure to Satan, the Enemy of God.
  • Heaping judgment and endless problems on the person I would have committed adultery with.
  • Possible diseases (pain, constant reminder to me and my wife, possible infection of Nanci, or in the case of AIDS, even causing her death, as well as mine.)
  • Possible pregnancy, with its personal and financial implications.
  • Loss of self-respect, discrediting my own name, and invoking shame and lifelong embarrassment upon myself.


Look before you leap.


Steven Wong


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Thursday, June 25, 2009

A.T. Pierson


My daughter has one of the books written by AT Pierson, and it amazed me that a 19 year old lady has interest in past writings of great men of God.


Writings from A.T. Pierson about the Acts of the Holy Spirit:




In them [the recipients of the Holy Spirit], He so incarnates Himself that through them He works upon others, so that by the indwelling Holy Spirit they become, like Him, teachers of truth, guiding into all truth; anointed witnesses, testifying to Christ, and glorifying Christ; inspired witnesses, not speaking from themselves, but receiving of the things of Christ and showing them to men; effective witnesses, convincing the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment; and even prophetic witnesses, showing things to come.

Arthur Tappan Pierson


My question: Would you allow the Holy Spirit to do what He wants to do in your life?


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Gold dust from Heaven in Hong Kong

Watch a short video clip on gold dust falling on the hands of believers in a Restaurant in Hong Kong as they were talking about God!
Miracles happening everywhere.
You would have thot that this will happen only in the church, but no, God is greater than that.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Clay Dyer - just like Nick Vujicic

See the video of this man - similar to Nick Vujicic. An inspiration to those who have limbs and yet not use them fully:

A.B. Simpson


( I copied this from my other site: “Charisma” )

I believe that the young people of today needs the same stirring of the Holy Spirit that these old pioneers had when they were alive.


Writings from A.B. Simpson on The Holy Spirit:




What is the baptism imparted to us by Christ?

Sometimes we hear this spoken of as if He baptized us with something different from Himself, some sort of influence, or feeling, or power. The truth is, the Spirit Himself is the baptism. Christ baptizes, and it is with or in the Spirit that He baptizes us … the Holy Ghost Himself is our dwelling life.

A.B. Simpson


Question: Are we baptized with an influence, a feeling or the Person called the Holy Spirit?


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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Samuel Logan Brengle



One of the pioneers of Salvation Army was Samuel Logan Brengle.  The SA of his times was so different from the SA of today. Their emphasis was  on the supernatural preaching of the Word with signs and wonders  and miracles. Healings and deliverances were daily occurrences. Today, SA seems interested in social work and community services, which are good in itself, but it may not save souls. Only the gospel of Jesus save souls from the kingdom of darkness.


Writings from his book: Helps to Holiness:


samuel logan brengle


This is where the devil really begins. Many people who say they are fighting the devil do not know what fighting the devil means. It is a fight of faith in which the soul takes hold of the promises of God, and hold on to it, and believes it, and declares it to be true in spite of all the devil’s lies, in spite of all circumstances and feelings to the contrary, and in which it obeys God, whether God seems to be fulfilling the promise or not. When a soul gets to the point where he will do this, and will hold fast the profession of his faith without wavering, he will soon get out of the fogs and mists and  twilight of doubt and uncertainty into the broad day of perfect assurance.

Salvation Army Commissioner Samuel Logan Brengle

(1860 – 1939)



Your spirit strengthens the body

( I copied this from my other site: “Charisma” )

Writings from Jessie Penn Lewis:

jessie penn lewis

If your spirit is strong your body must become strengthened. Your body is not to carry your spirit, but your spirit should control your body;


When your spirit is strong, it assimilates the Spirit-food in the Bible, and you feed your spirit. You need a strong spirit more than a strong body, and even a “strong” mind. Your mind will be stronger, if you have a strong spirit to quicken it, for in that spirit dwells the Holy Spirit. It is the shrine of God. It is the place where God dwells, and the strength of the might of God is to get into your sprit until your spirit is “strong in the Lord, and in the strength of His might.”


Jessie Penn Lewis


Friday, June 19, 2009

The destruction of fear


From the writings of EW Kenyon:

ew kenyon

I sought for a cure for fear. It is not in philosophy, it is not in metaphysics, it is not in human religion, scientific or otherwise. Fear can only be destroyed by  the truth coming to us of our emancipation from the power of Satan, of our being right with God. That will destroy fear.


EW Kenyon




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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Don’t let Faith die

This post was written for Charisma (one of my sites), but I find it worthwhile to repeat it here for a different audience. From time to time i will post writings of great men and women of God whose words have greatly influence my life. Their insights and wisdom astounds me especially knowing that they lived during an era of the lack of technology and Pentecostal teachings that we  have today.

ew kenyon

One of E.W. Kenyon’s statement goes like that:

When faith dies, philosophy flourishes. A living Christ and a living Father God perfectly satisfies, and we have no need of philosophy, we have no need of metaphysics. It is when we lose Christ out of our daily life that we turn to metaphysics and philosophical theories that have no place in the life of faith.

E.W. Kenyon

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Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Survivor - Phil Keaggy

Children are a gift from God. This video from youtube does tell us how to make a stand against abortion for it is murdering a living soul.

The images are graphic and it is not for the faint-hearted.

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Cussing Pastor

When I heard this video, I thought this guy was a teenager becoz all the language that this pastor uses is teen's language.

He suggest that we should watch our words carefully.